The Recreation and Open Space Strategy is a framework to guide the way we manage and improve our sport and recreation facilities, parks, community spaces and recreation services. The Strategy is also a blueprint for creating healthy and active environments and services including measures to support the development of clubs and participation initiatives in Yarra Ranges. It aims to encourage people to participate in sport, socialise, develop skills, play and relax in our parks, to engage in community activities and events and to connect with Yarra Range’s unique natural bushlands and waterways. The Strategy consolidates recreation strategies and feasibility studies and reserve master plans under one umbrella document and prioritises actions in an action plan. This Strategy links to Council’s other corporate strategies including Vision 2020, Municipal Strategic Statement, Community Wellbeing Plan, Economic Development Strategy and Environment Strategy. The Strategy will also help us to seek funding from other partners who share similar ideals for creating healthy and active environments for people.
The strategy is in three parts: policy, implementation and framework.