Recreation Strategy 2017-2027

The purpose of the Recreation Strategy 2017-2027 is for Council to better understand the current and likely recreational needs of the community and to develop a framework for the effective provision, development and management of recreation facilities and services within Baw Baw Shire. The Strategy aligns with Council’s strategic objectives to foster vibrant, healthy and inclusive communities by encouraging increased sport and recreation participation for all members of the community regardless of age, gender or ability in an environmentally responsible way. The Strategy is concerned with Council and Crown owned or managed recreation, sporting and leisure facilities. Some natural areas and private services have been considered in understanding the context of the strategy, and the complementing opportunities for recreation they provide. This Strategy provides strategic guidance on key identified issues from the open space network and includes actions to encourage opportunities for increased participation in sport and recreation by all members of the community regardless of age, gender or ability in an environmentally responsible way. Information contained within this Strategy is based on a recreation audit and assessment of the Shire’s open space network and recreation facilities, and is a snapshot in time only. This information is accurate as at September 2017. Any open space and/or recreation facility developments or data updates since this time may have not been taken into account. It is essential that Council is open and transparent with the community regarding what it can afford to build and maintain and what the community will be required to contribute in order to provide the desired standard of service. Innovative and pragmatic funding models have been incorporated into the Strategy to provide clear guidance on funding responsibilities.



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Ross Planning Pty Ltd for Baw Baw Shire Council: 2017
