Cardinia Shire Council provides resources to support the development, management and maintenance of Recreation Reserves within the Shire. There are currently thirty reserves within the municipality that offer organised and structured sporting opportunities for residents. These reserves generally have an oval or playing field, but in some cases may just have tennis courts or a bowling green. Recreation Reserves within the Shire operate under an appointed Committee of Management and receive an annual maintenance grant from Council. Under this system, Committees are responsible for the ongoing maintenance and development of the reserve, including ground and building maintenance. Committees are also responsible for the management of user groups and usage of facilities, collection of annual reserve fees or agreeing to in-kind contributions, and the provision of an annual report (as required under Section 86 of the Act). Current issues for Council and Committees under the current system include; inability of some reserves to maintain reserves within their current budget; the varying degree of financial and/or in-kind assistance from clubs across reserves; ineffective Committee system in some cases; insufficient reporting mechanisms; and lack of input on the allocation of grounds throughout the municipality. The development of the Reserves Policy addresses the current system and the above mentioned issues under the four main categories. These include: ^A. Maintenance Policy ^A. Management Policy (including reserve allocation) ^A. Financial Arrangements ^A. Capital Development.