The City of Hobart has three primary rivulets: Hobart Rivulet, New Town Rivulet and Sandy Bay Rivulet, which flow from the upper slopes of kunanyi/Mt Wellington to the River Derwent. This report is a review of the three rivulet plans: the New Town Rivulet Linear Park 1995; Hobart Rivulet Park Strategic Master Plan 2011 and the Sandy Bay Rivulet Park Feasibility Study 2007 and associated review of community feedback. The process undertaken included a review of each of the documents, meetings with Council officers and visiting the necessary sites to determine the status of the recommendations as well as consideration of specific site conditions. During the evaluation of the plans the following matters have been considered and addressed: o Identification of the status of each action, strategy and recommendation; o Identification of changes to land uses that have occurred since each of the plans preparation; o Identification of opportunities that have emerged since the plans preparation; o Consideration and re-evaluation of the priority/timing given; and o A brief summary of potential issues that have emerged. o Identification of key projects for funding Section 2 of this review summarises each of the documents and outlines key projects recommended to be funded in the short term. Section 3 assesses each plan, tabulates each action, strategy and recommendation, and comments and reviews its status and reviewed priority.
Geographic Coverage
Over the past 20 years the Council has adopted three plans that either provide the planning framework for development and management of reserves along the three rivulets, or consider the potential for creation and expanding rivulet reserves. The Review of the Three Rivulet Plans evaluates progress with the implementation of recommended actions contained in each plan, reprioritises those actions not yet achieved, and identifies new issues which may have emerged since the plans were completed. Please note: the Sandy Bay Rivulet Linear Park Feasibility Study 2006 and the Sandy Bay Rivulet Park – Review of Community Feedback November 2007 must be read in unison in accordance with a Council resolution.
Hobart Rivulet Park Strategic Master Plan 2011 (also on PaRC)Sandy Bay Rivulet Park – Review of Community Feedback November 2007
Sandy Bay Rivulet Linear Park Feasibility Study 2006
New Town Rivulet Linear Park Plan 1995
New Town Rivulet Linear Park Plan 1995 (missing pages)see –
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