On 27 November 2009 a forum was held at Esk to identify the high-level outcomes and delivery mechanisms needed to advance work on the provision of landscape corridors in South East Queensland, as proposed in the SEQ Regional Plan 2009-2031.
The forum structure was initially divided into three main sessions:
1. A series of Case Studies
2. A discussion/ debate and agreement on a collective Policy position
3. A discussion and agreement on a process to implement the policy position
Key Recommendations included:
1. That the Committee considers the formation of a Working Group to further consider the outcomes of the Forum early in 2010 when the outcomes have been more fully documented, and when discussions and feedback on the papers has been received and integrated.
2. That the Committee thank Saleena Ham for facilitating, Darryl Low Choy for chairing, Peter McKay for taking notes, the DIP Team for organisation and logistics, Somerset Regional Council for being gracious hosts, the sponsors (Qld Gov, SEQ Active Trails, SEQ Catchments, Powerlink, Redland City Council, Somerset Regional Council, SEQ Water) for contributions, those that provided poster displays, the participants for attending and the Esk Lions Club members.