Rural Futures Strategy for South East Queensland 2009

The Rural Futures Strategy has been prepared as part of the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2009-2031 (SEQ Regional Plan). The strategy was prepared with assistance and advice from the Rural Futures Committee, which includes representatives from peak industry and community groups, and local and state government agencies.

The Rural Futures Strategy represents the views and ideas of a range of SEQ stakeholders. The strategy sets forward the community’s vision, ambitions and targets for building a stronger rural SEQ.

The strategy includes a Rural Futures action plan (part 6) that identifies a range of on-ground actions that build upon existing programs to support the sustainable economic and social development of SEQ’s rural areas. The action plan recognises existing actions and proposes new actions
for consideration by government under five major themes:

1) economic development
2) healthy and productive rural landscapes
3) water resources
4) community development
5) leadership and collaboration (the implementation mechanism).

The Rural Futures Strategy 2009 has been released as a companion document to the SEQ Regional Plan, which together detail land use planning principles and actions to improve the delivery of services and infrastructure to rural and urban communities in SEQ.



Geographic Coverage



Copyright Owner: State of Queensland


Queensland Department of Infrastructure and Planning : 2009
