Caboolture Shire’s planning scheme is the primary mechanism for all levels of government to integrate and coordinate planning for future growth of the Shire, and to promote social, economic and ecological strategies that achieve balanced outcomes for local residents and visitors.
Scenic amenity is an important lifestyle value to be addressed in this planning scheme, alongside other values of open space such as nature conservation, water protection, and agricultural potential.
The motive for this study has arisen from ideas and opinions put forward by the community during Council’s corporate planning process and the preparation of the Council’s planning scheme. Both processes identified the ‘attractiveness’ of natural and rural areas as a primary factor affecting people’s lifestyle in Caboolture.
The landscapes of Caboolture Shire provide a diversity of outdoor lifestyle opportunities for both residents and visitors. The Shire’s best natural and rural assets include Pumicestone Passage and Deception Bay, the Caboolture River and other waterways, productive horticultural and farming areas, sub-tropical forests and wetlands, pine forests, Bribie Island, and the Glass House Mountains.
The Caboolture Shire Council implemented this project in equal partnership with the SEQ Regional Landscape Strategy Advisory Committee RLSAC) and the Regional Landscape Unit of the Environmental Protection Agency, in recognition of the expertise and custodial role of these groups in developing and applying the scenic amenity methodology in the region.
A Steering Committee comprising Council, community and Queensland Government representatives guided the study. A community consultation group has played an important role in influencing the direction of the study. Members of the group recognise the potential of this study to enhance and maintain the vitality of Caboolture Shire, and have expressed both support for this report and concern that related scenic management issues are addressed with the involvement of community.
The study proposes a series of management objectives that will protect, maintain, and enhance scenic amenity. A series of mechanisms to achieve these objectives are proposed. This information will assist the community and government organisations with an interest in and responsibility for ensuring scenic amenity of Caboolture Shire remains a community resource for the enjoyment of current and future generations.