Scenic Amenity: Measuring Community Appreciation of Landscape Aesthetics

This brochure provides information about the method developed to assess scenic amenity in South East Queensland as part of the Regional Landscape Strategy (RLS) process. The South East Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils endorsed the community-based approach developed by the RLS, and has recommended that that local governments move toward a consistent, objective, and regional approach toward scenic amenity issues.

This method uses two criteria to assess and map regional significance of scenic amenity: visual exposure and scenic preference. The Scenic Amenity maps indicate the relative contribution of different places in the landscape to the collective community appreciation of open space, as viewed from places of importance to the public.

This method provides an informed basis for assessment of scenic amenity using an approach that has community and professional credibility. The approach has now been applied at two study areas, at Moggill, on the outskirts of Brisbane, and at Glen Rock, near Gatton.