Skate and BMX Strategy

SGL and Playce were engaged in March 2015 to undertake a review of the current and future provision of skate & BMX spaces across the municipality as well as the consideration of broader public recreation spaces for young people to enjoy.
To achieve this plan SGL and Playce engaged with local stakeholders including undertaking a comprehensive survey to determine their specific needs as well as a more municipal wide review and demographic distribution, on site assessment of possible new available sites as well as a detailed review of Cardinia’s existing skate facilities. The overriding focus was
ensuring that Cardinia Shire Council had a clear strategic plan to appropriately be able to provide accessible, inclusive and relevant skate and BMX spaces and broader youth activity spaces in line with current world’s best practice for the next ten years. The key recommendations therefore to achieve the above plan are outlined below and focus on both new facilities and upgrades to existing parks to give Council clear strategic direction.



Geographic Coverage



SGL Consultants & Playce fior Cardinia Shire Council : 2016