The study (Stage 1) aims to produce a broad overview of the history of Aboriginal and non-indigenous peoples in South East Queensland in the 18 Local Government Areas that comprise the South East Queensland 2001 Planning Study Area. The history describes their occupation of, and impact on the landscape and the sequence of evidence remaining of that impact. Key places exhibiting evidence of occupation, or where events significant to understanding the region’s development occurred have been identified from the literature and described as potentially culturally. significant.
The essays (Volumes 1-8) outline the major themes of history impacting on the SEQ 2001 region. Within each period they describe significant events, networks, settlements, industry, peoples and impacts on the landscape. Statistics relating to key indicators, such as population numbers and provision of police and schools, have been mapped for each decade or census period since 1860 and indicate the extend, rate and timing of development. The economic development of the region is further analysed in the essays.
Volume 1 – Introduction and Overview,
Volume 2 – Historical Essay,
Volume 3 – Chronology,
Volume 4 – Tables
Volume 5 – Bibliography of Historical Heritage
Volume 6 – Aboriginal History Essay,
Volume 7 – Bibliography of Aboriginal history,
Volume 8 – Folio of Maps