Sport and Physical Activity Strategy 2021-2025

The City of Casey is one of the largest and fastest growing municipalities in Victoria. Our life expectancy is lower than the state average and rates of diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and heart disease are higher. According to Census data, only 51% of residents meet the recommended activity levels. There are significant groups in Casey whose participation in physical activity is well below the State average. These residents experience a range of barriers to being active, including financial constraints, cultural and gender expectations, anxiety around physical appearance, parenting and other priorities, lack of access to transport and inaccessible physical environments. Casey is home to several state-of-the-art sporting and recreation facilities and is on track to meet the needs of Casey’s rapidly growing community for sports stadiums, recreation reserves, cycling paths, and other important infrastructure. However, research shows that making facilities available to the community does not automatically translate into higher levels of physical activity. People need to know they are there and be motivated and able to use them. This Sport and Physical Activity Strategy will help Council and its partners work towards enabling all residents to participate in the physical activity of their choice. It will be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains relevant and responsive to emerging issues and trends.



Geographic Coverage



City of Casey: 2021