Sport and Recreation Strategy

The consultation process for the Boroondara Sport and Recreation Strategy involved research and discussions with a range of key stakeholders, community groups, Council staff, sports club and facility managers, and residents of all ages and backgrounds. Central to the overall consultation process was research undertaken as part of the Sports & Recreation Audit, which involved statisitcally valid research into sport and recreation patterns of Early Years residents, young people, and adults aged 15 years and above. This information is summarised in Foundation Paper 3: Participation Analysis. This report details research that builds on and supports the statistically valid research, and offers in-depth qualitative information about the diverse and evolving needs of residents around sport and recreation. Similar findings on communication preferences and gender differences in participation were found. Residents expressed the need for affordable participation opportunities and had diverse opinions on the use of open space. It was found that residents valued the provision and quality of sport and recreation facilities in Boroondara. Residents noted that they are seeking to participate at times that suit their lifestyle and without having to commit to regular participation. One of the barriers to participation identified was a lack of information on sport and recreation opportunities. When schools were asked if they would open up their facilities for community use, over 70% surveyed responded with a yes or maybe. Residents also identified the use of school facilities for recreation as an opportunity to increase participation. It was also identified that an appropriate balance is needed between the availability of open space for unstructured activities, as well as purpose-built facilities for structured activities.



Geographic Coverage



City of Boroondara : 2017