Sport and Recreation Strategy 2017-2021

The purpose of this Sport and Recreation Strategy is to activate and encourage increased participation in the Adelaide Hills community, and effective use of the region’s facilities. This document will guide our approach to playgrounds, sports facilities and other recreational activities that are undertaken by the community in our region. This document will guide our approach to playgrounds, sports facilities and other recreational activities that are undertaken by the community in our region. This document explores linkages with federal and state government documents, and National trends for sport and recreation that may impact the community. From consultation with the local community and relevant stakeholders, local trends and findings are also outlined, and an analysis of both the demand and current supply completed. There has also been considerable research done on the community’s participation in various sport and recreation activities, and the implications this participation is having on sites throughout the region. The Strategy outlines a classification schedule for both facilities and play spaces, with relevant characteristics also included. This information, along with best practice development principles for both facilities and play spaces, will provide Council with a strong framework for future developments that are feasible, sustainable and cater to the community’s needs.