The purpose of the Sport Facility Standards Policy (2019) is to ensure a consistent, fair and equitable approach to the provision of new indoor and outdoor sport facilities and for the upgrade / re-development of existing sport facilities in the Shire. There are currently thirty-five recreation reserves and four indoor sporting facilities in Cardinia Shire, with approximately ten new reserves and four indoor facilities planned for construction within the growth corridor over the coming years. Each of these sporting facilities has a range of playing areas and supportive sport infrastructure to meet the needs of user groups and provide opportunities to participate in sport and recreation activities. The Recreation Reserve Facility Standards 2012 was designed to guide the development of facilities at new active recreation reserves and to ensure a consistent and equitable approach is applied across the municipality. The 2012 Policy also guides the upgrade / re-development of existing facilities, through existing asset renewal budgets and / or available grant funding. The Policy provides Council with a useful planning tool for use with property developers in planning for new recreation reserves and prioritising community capital works grant submissions. The current Policy was developed utilising state sporting association standards and assumptions relevant to 2012. As can be expected, many standards, guidelines, rules and regulations have changed or been developed since that time and new initiatives and trends have emerged in sport facility infrastructure. A review has been undertaken and the Sport Facility Standards Policy (2019) developed to provide a clear position for the provision by Council of indoor and outdoor sporting facilities into the future, ensuring that resources are allocated appropriately and that the facilities provide for the needs of the Cardinia community and individual sports competitions.