Sports Facility Development Plan

The Sports Facility Development Plan identifies the key sporting infrastructure challenges posed by recreation participation trends and population change in Brimbank. It presents solutions for these challenges. The plan focuses on high-level social and health outcomes. It supports participation in physical activity by improving access to, and promotion of, sport and recreation facilities. The overarching aim is to identify Brimbank’s sports facility needs for the next 10 years and provide direction on how best to manage the identified gaps. The Plan explores ways to create quality sport and recreation facilities. The aim of this plan is to give people of all ages and abilities every opportunity to participate in their chosen activities. This includes giving the entire community an opportunity to be involved by focusing on access issues for traditionally disadvantaged groups, and by providing facilities that encourage greater participation by females. New and updated sport and recreation facilities are an important part of getting more people, more active, more often. By providing accessible, affordable and high-quality sport and recreation facilities, Brimbank City Council is offering residents more opportunities to get active and involved in their communities. These opportunities are critical in assisting with addressing the significant health and wellbeing challenges faced by the Brimbank Community which have been identified in the recent Growing Brimbank research. Brimbank City Council recognises and appreciates, the vital role of volunteers in the continued delivery and growth of sport across the City. Council and recognises the importance of providing gender neutral and universal sports facilities that encourages participation in a sports club setting.