Sports Field Plan

The Sports Field Plan has been developed to provide a strategic approach to the management and development of City of Darwin’s 17 sporting ovals during 2016-2026.
The aim of the Sports Field Plan is to guide the future use, development and management of sporting fields and ovals within the City of Darwin over the
next ten years, including consideration of likely facilities and infrastructure required to meet existing and future community needs. The objectives are:
1) To identify and investigate the facility needs of the community for eligible field sports occurring within the Darwin municipality, in particular the high-use sports of AFL, cricket and soccer.
2) To provide Council with a strategic approach for current and future planning and the provision of infrastructure for field sports activities occurring
on land controlled by City of Darwin.
#) To increase the capacity of Council to provide sustainable services and facilities which will likely result in an increase in participation by residents
in physical activity, thereby enhancing their health and wellbeing.