The Queensland Outdoor Recreation Federation (QORF) was appointed by the Department of Local Government and Planning and the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail (BVRT) Steering Committee to prepare a Marketing and Community Engagement Strategy for the BVRT.
With successful implementation, the goal of the strategy is to inform and drive three key project outcomes including:
1. Increased use of the BVRT;
2. Increased recognition and appreciation of the economic development stimulated through the BVRT; and
3. Increased capacity for local community to promote the trail.
The Strategy proposes a single clear vision for the BVRT as ‘Queensland’s premier rail trail with opportunities for walkers, bike- and horse-riders to experience South East Queensland countryside at its best’. This vision encapsulates the types of experiences that can be readily accessed through
the trail and set a quality benchmark as a trail of excellence.
Overall the results of the research to develop the Marketing and Community Engagement Strategy, demonstrate that the BVRT has the potential to be a landmark destination and experience for local and visitor engagement. To achieve the recognition and reputation to reach this outcome requires some completion of infrastructure and trail features, along with local acceptance of the trail as a desirable feature for the region. Whilst marketing and engagement activities can and should be implemented in the short term, these need to realistically match the capacity of the trail itself and initially target the local community and business to raise the positive profile and potential of the trail. With commitment to a long term vision and goals as identified in this document, and supported by good governance and management, the BVRT can be a destination of quality for locals and visitors alike.