The importance of the portfolio of places – backyards, streets, parks – in meeting human health needs

Presenter: Ross Wissing, PhD Student, Deakin University who draws on his learnings from his PhD ‘portfolio of places’, and his presentation includes:
o The relationship between public health and public parks.
o The relationship between human health and ecological health, and how intelligent planning and design can achieve both.
o The importance of the ‘portfolio of places’ (private backyards, local streets, local parks) in meeting human health needs.
o A summary of his PhD findings from 2017 research.
o Results from a National Survey outlining how people have used their ‘portfolio of places’ during the pandemic, and how this has influenced mental and physical health, with the focus on public parks and streetscapes.
o What do the trends tell us, and how can this be used to better plan for, and design, existing and new parks and streets?
o Case studies on reclaiming streets and gaining new / improved open space.
The session includes Q & As