Tourism Plan

Tourism is a key economic driver for Holdfast Bay that has significant positive flow-on effects for the local community. In 2016, visitors contributed $262 million to the local economy, providing an estimated 1467 full time equivalent jobs. The Tourism Plan 2020 sits under Council’s Strategic Plan and aligns with the State Tourism Plan. The Our Place Strategic Plan 2030 focuses on a welcoming, safe and active community where resident, visitor and business prosperity meets. It encompasses five strategic pillars which outlines objectives to effectively build for our future. The Tourism Plan aligns with objective 4 of the economy pillar which has fiveaims:
o Boost our Visitor Economy;
o Implement City of Holdfast Bay Tourism Plan 2020 strategic priorities
o Implement Western Alliance Tourism Destination Action Plan
o Develop City of Holdfast Bay Tourism Destination Management Plan
o Develop a Visitor Servicing Strategy
The destination management framework supports: Improved destination competitiveness; Increased visitor satisfaction; Economic, social and environmental sustainability; Effective partnerships; and Continuous improvement.