Trails Strategy Parts 1, 2 and 3

Trails Strategy Part 1 – Policy and Planning Context. This strategy sets out: -The benefits of trails; -Policy principles underpinning this plan; -A process for planning trails; – A trails hierarchy; -Methods and information required to prioritise trail projects; -Issues and strategic guidelines to address these. It also provides examples and a list of resources that can be used to design and construct trails.
Trails Strategy Part 2 – Issues and Strategic Guidelines 2012. This strategy sets out: -The benefits of trails; -Policy principles underpinning this plan; -A process for planning trails; – A trails hierarchy; -Methods and information required to prioritise trail projects; -Issues and strategic guidelines to address these. It also provides examples and a list of resources that can be used to design and construct trails.
Trails Strategy Part 3 – Examples and Resources. This strategy sets out: -The benefits of trails; -Policy principles underpinning this plan; -A process for planning trails; – A trails hierarchy; -Methods and information required to prioritise trail projects; -Issues and strategic guidelines to address these. It also provides examples and a list of resources that can be used to design and construct trails.