A Submission To The Melbourne And Metropolitan Board Of Works For A Passenger Carrying Miniature Railway At Brimbank Park

1981 submission by private individuals to the Melbourne And Metropolitan Board Of Works (MMBW) for a proposed miniature railway at Brimbank Park. The railway would consist of conventional trains made up of a number of passenger carriages hauled by a locomotive and running on 260 mm gauge track. The purpose of the railway is to provide an interesting and entertaining experience along with a transport system within the park for use by the public. The railway would also be an added attraction to the park, being the only operational 260 mm gauge railway in Melbourne. At a later stage, the railway could also provide access to the Horseshoe Bend area when it is developed as a fauna reserve. The railway would be built with the assistance of the MMBW and operated by a voluntary group of railway enthusiasts. The submission includes:

1) Proposed details of the railway – including the track layout, stations, trains, depots/sheds, safe operation
2) Company and lease of tenure
3) Operational agreement
4) Funding and contributions
5) Stages of construction



Geographic Coverage



Pilbeam, Barbara (Author); Buchanan, Peter (Author); Pilbeam, Peter (Author); Worland, Robert (Author); May, Ron (Author); Worland, Rosyln (Author)


“Publisher not known”: 1981