Environmental Management and Sustainability Strategy

This Strategy provides a framework for Berri Barmera Council to lead by example in protecting and enhancing the health of our local environment. Council can make valuable contributions to environmental management and sustainability through waste reduction, efficiencies in water, energy and resource use, the creation of security of supplies, planning and infrastructure design, and through green / whole of life purchasing decisions. The Strategy also provides a framework for Council to lead and support environmental improvements, investments and decisions through partnerships and collaboration with community and business stakeholders. It is a natural connection point for Federal and State Government initiatives such as A National Strategy for Electric Vehicles, and New direction for a climate smart South Australia. The Strategy is deliberately framed to connect with the three Goals outlined in the Berri Barmera’s Strategic Community Plan. In it, the language of the Goals has been modified to align with the Environmental Management and Sustainability Strategy’s needs, resulting in three Pillars (P): o Natural Environment * P1. Healthy Ecosystems o Lifestyle * P2. Quality Lifestyle o Business * P3. Regional Prosperity. Each of the three Pillars is underpinned by key objectives, all of which connect to specific actions and roles for Council in driving implementation. The range of proposed actions provides a clear articulation of the role of Council, the involvement of other key stakeholders, and the timing of proposed activity.