Glen Rock: Overview History and Historic Cultural Heritage Values – Inventory and Assessment Report

The purpose of this report is to provide the historical context from which it will be possible to adequately assess the significance of the non-indigenous (or historic) cultural heritage values Identified on the Glen Rock Regional Park. The report is a component of the Glen Rock Cultural Heritage Resource Assessment and Inventory project. Attached to this report is an inventory of Historic cultural heritage values that have been identified on the property. The inventory component presents data including the name, type, description, location, significance, history and association of the place.

The overview history is not a comprehensive examination of the history of the property. Rather, the report presents a reasonably detailed tenure history of the Glen Rock property in the context of the non-Indigenous occupation and development of the immediate surrounding district (East Haldon parish and the Lockyer Valley). As this study is focused on the non-Indigenous history of the Glen Rock study area no expansive attempt has been made to assess the relationships between the original Aboriginal inhabitants with the landscape. Nevertheless, some historical aspects of the conflict associated with Aboriginal dispossession and resistance are addressed.

This report attempts to addresses some of the major historical themes associated with the history of the property and the district, including contact history with the original Aboriginal inhabitants, Colonial occupation and economic development of the area (eg. pastoral expansion) and closer
settlement agriculture.