Household Expenditure on Sports and Physical Recreation, Australia, 2003-2004

This report presents results from the Household Expenditure Survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) during 2003~A+/-04. The survey collected detailed information about the expenditure and income of households resident in private dwellings throughout Australia. The report provides details of the expenditure on sports and physical recreation products during 2003~A+/-04. It also provides a comparison at constant prices of 2003-04 data with the corresponding figures for expenditure on sports and physical recreation from the 1998-99 Household Expenditure Survey. During 2003-04, the average expenditure by Australian households on all goods and services (including in-ground swimming pools) was $886.63 per week. Of this amount, $15.70 (1.8%) was spent on the sports and physical recreation products.
Nearly half (48.2%) of the expenditure on sports and physical recreation products went on Sports, physical recreation and camping equipment ($7.57 per week). A further 44.7% was spent on Sports and physical recreation services ($7.02 per week), while Sports and recreation vehicles accounted for the remaining 7.1% ($1.11 per week).
The product categories for which the highest expenditures were recorded were Swimming pools ($3.41 per week), Sports facility hire charges ($2.30 per week) and Other sports and physical recreation equipment ($2.03 per week).



Geographic Coverage



Copyright Owner: Commonwealth of Australia


Australian Bureau of Statistics : 2004
