Management of the Mount Neurum Ross Site Abridged Version, Covering Extent, Access and Use Draft Report

This report addresses the management of Mount Neurum Regional Open Space System (ROSS). The purpose of this report is to:
1. To examine the various road access options to the Mount Neurum ROSS site.
2. To examine various management options for the Mount Neurum ROSS site –
the ROSS Committee has contracted the Caboolture Shire Council to create a
more detailed management plan for Mount Neurum.
3. To investigate various options for expanding the Mount Neurum ROSS site,
given the limited areas of the present ROSS blocks on Mount Neurum.
4. To examine the links (if any) between Mount Neurum and surrounding areas
of regional significance – particularly Mount Mee State Forest and Mount



Geographic Coverage



Three files of the ‘Mount Neurum Ross Site’ are attached and are listed site A, site B and site C in chronological order


Copyright Owner: State of Queensland


Department of Natural Resources (Queensland) : 1995