Recreation and sport are important parts of Queensland’s society, culture and economy. Queenslanders and visitors to Queensland often base their holidays on recreation activities such as fishing, camping, surfing, scuba diving, four-wheel driving, bushwalking, horse riding, cycling and boating. In 1997, for example, over 1.161 million camper/nights were generated in south-eastern Queensland (1997 South East Queensland Outdoor Recreation Demand Study). Many people also invest considerable time, money and energy participating in sports or watching major sporting events. Some people even make decisions about where they will live based on access to recreation opportunities.
Recreation and sport can also bring significant economic benefits. It is therefore imperative that councils adequately provide for recreation and sports services in community planning processes. By offering a range of high-quality recreation and sport opportunities, local councils can generate economic activity and, in some cases, establish a local industry based on recreation and sport.
“Open Space for Recreation and Sport: Planning Principles” was developed in 1998 as a guide for local government planners preparing planning schemes, or components of planning schemes, such as those previously referred to as strategic plans and development control plans. This 2003 document focuses on the value of open space for recreation and sport. This does not mean that recreation or sport is more important than any other land use – just that they deserve serious consideration in local government planning and land use decision making.