Off-road Vehicles: Impact on the Australian Environment, 1977

This is a scanned copy of a report by a Committee of the House of Representatives.

Background to the Inquiry

“The recreational use of off-road vehicles is a pastime which has emerged in the last ten years and has rapidly gained popularity both in Australia and overseas. It has been estimated that there were over five million of these vehicles in the United States in 1971, and this figure is expected to rise to ten million by 1977. Australian figures are unknown but it is clear that a large number of off-road vehicles are used in all states for recreational purposes and the number is growing. There has been an increase in public expressions of concern at the growing environmental damage, noise and social nuisance caused by these vehicles in urban areas, national parks and other open land.

“All states and territories now recognise that uncontrolled use of ORVs can cause damage, sometimes wide­spread, to the environment. The matter was discussed at a meeting of State and Commonwealth nature conservation ministers in April 1975. In August 1975 the Council of Nature Conservation Ministers (CONCOM) established a working party to report on off-road vehicle use in national parks and on other government land. The working party reported to the Council in August 1976. The recommendations of the report were endorsed by the Council and submitted to this Committee”.


Parliamentary report

Geographic Coverage



File still to come.


Commonwealth of Australia


House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment and Conservation