Outdoor Recreation in Queensland – the Big Issues

For outdoor recreation to be seriously considered in land use decision making, its advocates need to be able to contribute to the resolution of complex issues. Outdoor recreation is a legitimate land use, but this does not mean that outdoor recreation is necessarily more important than any other land use – just that it does deserve serious consideration in land use decision making. It is not some miraculous social good or artefact, unconnected with the realities of the physical, ecological, social, economic and political realities in which we live. The social benefits of outdoor recreation cannot be provided without accounting for its biophysical, political and economic costs.
This paper will identify and discuss some of the significant issues facing outdoor recreation in Queensland. Where appropriate, options for resolving these issues will be suggested. At least some of this information may be relevant to other States or Territories in Australia.



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Copyright approval granted 14th December 2020 by Mark Squires (Partnerships Manager)


Copyright Owner: Outdoors Queensland


Batt, Dave (Author)


Queensland Outdoor Recreation Federation (Outdoors Queensland)
