Survey of Vertebrate Fauna at Glen Rock in the Gatton Shire

This report details the vertebrate fauna species recorded during four separate field survey periods conducted between October 1996 and December 1999 at Glen Rock within Gatton Shire. Included in the report are a vegetation map and preliminary plant species list for the area.

The aim of the surveys was to determine the distribution and habitat preference of fauna within Glen Rock. Fauna survey sites were chosen using a random stratified technique so as to sample the full range of habitats in the survey area given the time and resources available. Interpretation of recent aerial photographs and preliminary ground-truthing of vegetation communities of the area formed the basis of fauna site selection. For practical purposes, most sites were selected within reasonable walking distance of known vehicle tracks. Additional site information was obtained on target fauna species in remote areas away from vehicle tracks.

Fauna records obtained during the survey were used to assess the conservation value of the land and will provide baseline information for future land management decisions.

The survey recorded 187 native fauna species. This included 16 mammals, 130 birds, 23 reptiles, 9 amphibians, 6 freshwater fish and 3 freshwater shrimp species. Of these, four species are listed under the Queensland Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Act as rare or threatened. These include two vulnerable species: the Brush-tailed rock-wallaby and the Glossy black-cockatoo; and two rare species: the Sooty owl and Red-browed treecreeper. A number of noteworthy species was also recorded, including the New Holland mouse which is only known from two other locations in Queensland. Of particular note was the number of bird species recorded, in particular the abundance of rosellas, lorikeets, galahs, parrots and cockatoos. Two major core refuge areas for the brush-tailed rock-wallaby were identified. These refuge areas are critical for the dispersal of young and the long term viability of this species in this area.

Glen Rock supports a diverse range of habitat for fauna with ten vegetation types recorded. Of these, three communities are listed as “of concern”.