Walkable Australia is a program to identify and overcome barriers that discourage or prevent Australians from walking, and therefore experiencing, living and enjoying the country in a sustainable way.
Walkable Australia draws on the history and traditions of Australia extending beyond European settlement, and capturing the freedoms and ideals that we cherish.
Walkable Australia includes both urban and rural Australia.
Walkable Australia draws together and supports many existing initiatives and programs in health, environment, planning, recreation, tourism, transport, education and local government.
A Walkable Australia is consistent with sound economic as well as social and environmental policy.
Walkable communities spend less of their economic output on transport, and waste less time on unproductive travel. Urban infrastructure costs are reduced, and less land is paved over. A greater variety and depth of natural and cultural experience is found within a given area. With a healthier and more active community, health costs are lower. The elderly and incapacitated are within closer reach of the facilities they need, and more able to reach them through better public and emergency transport