Tree Strategy

This strategy provides a framework that will facilitate the regeneration and expansion of the urban forest (a collection of trees that grow within an urban environment) in the towns located within the Berri Barmera Council district. Trees compliment the environment, enhance our enjoyment of streets and open spaces as they provide a wide range of benefits such as shade, cooling and habitat for wildlife. Conversely, trees constitute a potential risk to the community and property. Interference with underground or above ground services presents a risk to property and personal safety through such events as limb drop or lifting of footpaths and paved surfaces. As such trees require effective and coordinated management to maximise their benefits to the community and the environment and minimise risks, such as damage to property and personal injury. Council is committed to nurturing, preserving and developing these important community resources.



Geographic Coverage

South Australia


Berri Barmera Council: 2017


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